Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Fever Brings Lovey Feelings

I'm a lucky girl. Clearly, he is a lucky man.
I found this and thought it was silly.
This is Danno before he left on his mission.

Top Ten Reasons Danno is the Manno:

10: He plays on "Expert" in Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Rock on baby.
9. He plays my little games. Why only two days ago he pretended to play duets with me on the keyboard for 20 minutes,
8. He helps me get get dressed in the morning. Sometimes finding an outfit is an awful predicament and he humors me with patience as I rummage through my threads.
7. He is a FUNNY man. I don't think anyone ever created can make me laugh like him. The young women in our ward tell me how funny he is, I tell them he is cute.
6. He is incredibly considerate. He will do little things for me like leaving notes on the bathroom mirror, making me cd's, cleaning, and lots of hugs when I lose my cool and curse the teaching profession.
5. He loves puppies...and kids. For us, these are running under the same category: too expensive and no one to take care of them. But when we do get a beautiful puppy or a furry little baby, he will be amazing. I know it.
4. He spoils me a bit. Danno still plans surprise dates, buys flowers, or gets me a cute outfit (He just got me one for my interviews!) even when we are busy and married.
3. He is cute. Well, he is.
2. He is an amazing example for me, our families, and friends.
1. He loves me.


AnneMarie said...

He am the manno. And you're both cute.

The Youngs said...

umm and number 11: He has great hair. haha. Great pictures by the way! We need to see you soooooooon

carla thorup said...

i like the 'furry baby' comment. that is something matt can relate too. you two silly kiddos. maybe next Dee Dee dinner you can actually be there and we can actually hang out? yes please.

Riley and Cassie said...

Another perk is that he can scarf down ice cream like nobody's business. That alone makes him at least an 8 on a scale from 1-10. Love you guys!

Nana said...

I LOVE THAT BOY TOO!! I have never met a more PERFECT couple!!!
So please tell me, how did the interview go with Canyon?!? Did they love your new outfit that Danno Bannano picked out for you?:>
Love ya oodles

Josh and Lar said...

Janelle!!!! I just found your blog! So excited about it!

Michelle Nielsen said...

love your blog!!! i just saw you at a campfire a few weeks ago...you two make a lovely couple!!

Wallace Family said...

That Danno is the manno! Don't forget about his incredibly stretchy face, which is in my opinion, extremely freaky. Love you guys!