Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mi Casa Es Su Casa!

Here is our little window which divides the kitchen from the living room. These are some wine bottles that Danno brought back from Ruby Tuesday. We have gotten some accusing and concerned looks from the visiting teachers and church members. But in the words of Bill Clinton, "We didn't inhale!"

I can't figure out how to make this look neater, but to the left is the dining/living/kitchen/spa/indoor basketball court.
To the bottom right is our cute little bedroom.


Kim said...

Cute apartment. I gave you a blog award. Look at my blog so you can see it.

Nana said...

We love your home! It is so you!
Love ya

Holly said...

Me gusto tu casa.* I would like to see it sometime. Feel free to invite me over. Ha! The funny thing is, I'm not even kidding! I miss your face(s).

*Spanish courtesy of Mr. Morris.

carla thorup said...

Janno! I love that you guys have a blog and that we can be blog friends as well as cousins! Now that you are in the valley, maybe we should hang out when you two have a free night. And thanks for the blog comment, I'm totally diggin' those white lights on the ceiling! adorable. Consider you added to the list of people I love to read about :)

Riley and Cassie said...

Cute apartment! I also dig the lights across the ceiling! Oh and I loved the post about your new baby! It brought a smile to my face.

The Terry's said...

Adorable apartment! Your blog is always so stinkin' cute. How are you guys???