Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We have a new baby!

Hello friends and family! Well it has been a while since we, or I suppose I have posted anything. Danno is going to school and working at Red Lobster where he is making what he made in a week at Ruby Tuesday in a few days. We are loving our new apartment and pictures will follow! Now for the new family member.

This is 32LG10 Champion. He came into this apartment at 9:06 p.m.

He weighed 45 lbs and 4 oz.

He is 32 inches and his father couldn't be happier.

Danno has never been more proud of his shiny black son.

Our first family photo.

After months of pinching pennies, Danno got his baby. He expects a baby shower where speakers, Blue Ray business, and electronic cleaner is presented to him :)

I loves you Dove!


Kim said...

Very nice, but I don't really see the family resemblence? Maybe he looks like the mailman????

AnneMarie said...

wish MY baby had come with a "mute" button. mozeltov.

Nana said...

Wow! That makes 3 grandkids for us! YIPPEE! So when are ya going to bless it?

Wallace Family said...

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! I wonder if Wally will let me fly out for this new baby....

Schmoopasaurus Rex said...

Oh my lucky stars...!


Man, I was hoping it was a puppy.