Monday, August 17, 2009

Life is Busy.

Wow! School is going and I am in my fourth week of teaching. I have cute kids and some nuttty ones too but they are all very endearing. Teaching is HARD! However, it is getting easier and easier as I get the hang of it. I got so stuck in teaching that I didn't get to say goodbye to one of my best friends Holly when she left for the Peace Corps. This is a dark day. I need to remember the important things in my life and not lose my life in the educating of the children of Monte Vista. We have had a lot of family fun lately and herek are some pictures. I love my family. Here are some milestones we have achieved: Celebrated our one year anniversary, got an adult's paycheck, and decided in the next few months we are buying a car. Sorry Mommasita and Randizzle, babies are not part of our milestones yet...


Schmoopasaurus Rex said...
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Schmoopasaurus Rex said...

Don't worry about tha' babies, I mean, they're kinda like iPhones...

everyone has one.
they're all the same.
once you have one, you cease to be able to have a conversation without mentioning it.
it stops being cool after a few months.
it really pisses people off in movie theaters when they make noise.
not to mention the expense!!!

I don't know if I'm talking about babies or Apple products anymore...

...but you get my point, have fun with your hubby while you can and before your life gets consumed by Steve Jobs or babies or whatever :D

Rodney and Tanya said...

Good for you! No rush to have kids, you've got all the time in the world

Mitch and Sonnie said...

I can't believe you have already been teaching for four weeks! I start in 1 1/2 weeks and I am about to pee my pants from nervousness....I don't even know where to start. Love you...we should talk soon probably...maybe labor day when we don't have school?

Holly said...

Hey chica. No worries about not being able to say goodbye... I'm just an email away! Good luck with the teaching!

Nana said...

What lucky little people who go to school at Monte Vista and have Mrs. Champion as their teacher!!!
OK....................................we can wait..............